Review 2; Online Arabic Class | How to Ask Questions in Arabic

question markAssalamu’alaikum,

This is my 2nd review of our Arabic class with the Critical Language Service. For those who haven’t read my 1st review, please click here.

In this review I will show you how to ask basic questions using the eight key question words. We used the Arabic in 10 Minutes a Day as our textbook.

Although in Arabic language there are many question words, but I will focus on the EIGHT key question words. These are very useful Arabic words to express questions which is a great way to start learning Arabic and useful when you go on holiday to an Arabic-speaking country. Continue reading

Video; Learn Arabic with Raff & Phil, I and Ana

Raff and PhilAssalamu’alaikum

For those who haven’t read my Arabic class review please click here.

This video was made as part of our Arabic homework from the Critical Language Service.

This story is about Raff, the Giraffe who speaks English, he is originally from Africa and Phil, Al fil (the elephant) who speaks Arabic but he is from England???? Continue reading

Review 1; Online Arabic Class with the Critical Language Service, Maa ismuka/ki?

cls islamic hs 1Assalamu’alaikum,

We started our online Arabic class with the Critical Language Service a few weeks ago via Skype. Only three of us in the classroom.

Just like a normal classroom, we interacted with the teacher live and direct as if we were sitting in the same classroom.

The teacher used a whiteboard to explain the lessons so that everyone could copy and practiced the Arabic handwriting at the same time. The teacher always asked us to repeat the words and asked us to make short sentences in Arabic language.

The class is handled by two teachers, Ms. Aron and Ms. Sabah. The Critical Language Service follow a split teaching model. The live class (Skype) is always taught by Ms.Sabah (in Egypt) while online work and homework between classes is handled by Ms.Aron (in America) via interactive classes called We practiced our lessons using Continue reading

FREE Arabic Class for Group of Students via Skype Worldwide (New Revision)

Free Arabic Class PosterAssalamu’alaikum,

FREE Online Arabic Class for One Group Only (for Kids or Sisters)!. You don’t need to pay the teachers’ fee, the only cost is the price of materials.

Anyone who enters (a group of 3-10 students) and does not win will receive a FREE one hour lesson.

Critical Language Service is offering you FREE 4 week beginning Arabic Class via Skype, to group of students with strong online presences who are willing to blog/tweet/Facebook about the experience and link back to Critical Language Service and Rahmah Muslim Homeschool websites.

A class needs to have between 3 to 10 students, preferably ages 6-10 or 11 and up. The way the program works is Continue reading