About Rahmah Muslim Homeschool

My name is Rahmah, I'm originally from Indonesia, currently living in the UK. My educational background is in Electrical Engineering. If you like my blog, please press Ctrl+D to bookmark my page and check What’s new at Rahmah Muslim Homeschool.

Islamic Quiz; The Biography of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Pt1

Islamic QuizAssalamu’alaikum,

A simple quiz about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

All the questions in the exam along with their answers, your score, your performance rating and your grade will be shown at the end of the quiz.

Are you ready to test your knowledge? Continue reading

Raising Money for SOLACE UK (for Revert Sisters in Difficulty)

JG SolaceAssalaamu’alaikum,

I’ve set up a JustGiving page to support SOLACE and revert sisters who are going through a lot of hardship after embracing Islam. We need to support them, don’t let them leave Islam.

Please click here to donate.

SOLACE was set up in 2010 by a group of sisters who were concerned about the difficulties facing revert sisters both in the short and long term, and their variety of needs. Whilst there are many organisations within the United Kingdom catering for the educational and Islamic needs of revert sisters, there appeared to be a lack of support and provision of services catering specifically for the holistic needs of revert sisters. Recognising the need for an organisation with the aim of supporting revert sisters through their various difficulties led to the creation of SOLACE.

SOLACE is a support service for revert sisters in difficulty, regardless of whether they have been Muslim for 2 weeks or even 20 years; it supports them when they are going through life’s problems alone, suffering in silence, or even no longer enjoying their Islam.

No sister who has embraced Islam should be enduring difficulties alone. It is our duty as Muslims to support them.


May Allah reward you Aamiin…

solace page

Science Project: Renewable Energy | Geothermal Energy Pt 1

geo 1Assalamu’alaikum,

Today we did a science project about Geothermal energy. First, I explained that we can use natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat to produce energy known as renewable energy or green energy.

This is part 1 of our Geothermal energy experiments. What is Geothermal energy? Geothermal energy is an energy that is generated by earth’s heat. Geo means “earth” and thermal means “heat”. The heat inside the Earth is intense enough to melt rocks. Those molten rocks are known as magma. Because magma is less dense than the rocks surrounding it, it rises to the surface. Sometimes magma escapes through cracks in the Earth’s crust, erupting out of Continue reading

Day 4; Memorize the Talbiyah | YouTube Video | Poster

kabaah video1 5th of Dhul Hijjah 1434 H,
Al khamis/Thursday


This is our Hajj activity for day 4, for those who havent read our Hajj activity day 3, please click here.

The challenge for day 4;

Day 4: Memorize the talbiya

Color the image of Ka’bah and puppet figures found here. I would suggest sticking them on popsicle sticks. Then take the stick puppets around the Ka’bah while reciting the talbiya. Continue reading

Day 3: Read About Hajj

map14th of Dhul Hijjah 1434 H,
Al arbi’aa/Wednesday


This is our Hajj activity for day 3, for those who havent read our Hajj activity day 2, please click here.

The challenge for day 3;

Day 3: Read About Hajj

By now, the children have had some hands-on fun while learning about this pillar of faith. Next, it’s time to enhance this knowledge by poring over some well-illustrated books.

On day 3, we learned about the Hajj rituals. Continue reading

Day 2: Learn about the Ka’bah

hajj24th of Dhul Hijjah 1434 H,
Al arbi’aa/Wednesday


This is our Hajj activity for day 2, for those who haven’t read our Hajj activity day 1, please click here.

Actually, we did this activity yesterday. I just didn’t have time to upload it.
This is the challenge for day 2;

Day 2: Learn about the Ka’bah

Depending on the age of the children, you can either make a pop-up Ka’bah card or a diorama to teach them the significance of the Ka’bah, Continue reading

Day 1; The Story of Hajj and the Hajj Map

hajj map 92nd of Dhul Hijjah 1434 H,
Al ithnaan/Monday


We are in the month of Dhul Hijjah now. Every year, millions of Muslims from arround the world make journey to Makkah to perform Hajj in this month. It’s the largest annual pilgrimage in the world.

Now, it’s a good time to explain Hajj to our kids. So we started our Hajj activities today, we were supposed to start it yesterday on the 1st of Dhul Hijjah 1434H but the kids were not up for it so I decided to postpone it.

These ideas were inspired by the Productive Muslim website, Continue reading

FREE Arabic Writing App for Android | Ana Auktub


Sometimes I can’t be bothered to print worksheets for my kids. So I use Apps instead of papers.

One of our favourite Arabic writing app is Ana Auktub or “I write in Arabic”. This App is very easy to use and make learning more fun.

They can practice their Arabic handwriting such as Arabic alphabets, numbers and words using a smartphone or a tablet.  Accompanied by a clear pronounciation to help them to Continue reading