About Rahmah Muslim Homeschool

My name is Rahmah, I'm originally from Indonesia, currently living in the UK. My educational background is in Electrical Engineering. If you like my blog, please press Ctrl+D to bookmark my page and check What’s new at Rahmah Muslim Homeschool.

FREE Worksheets: Part 4 of the 99 Names of Allah (9 pages)

Al Hakam


Learn and practice to write the 99 Names of Allah (Asma’ul Husna) in Arabic as well as the meanings in English. Please click here and here to download part 3.

28. Al Basiir (البصير) → The Seer of All
29. Al Hakam (الحكم) → The Judge
30. Al `Adl (العدل) → The Just
31. Al Latiif (اللطيف) → The Subtle One
32. Al Khabir (الخبير) → The All-Aware
33. Al Haliim (الحليم) → The Forbearing
34. Al’Adhiim (العظيم) → The Magnificent
35. Al Ghafuur (الغفور) → The Forgiver and Hider of Faults
36. Ash Shakuur (الشكور) → The Rewarder of Thankfulness

Please incourage your child to write her/his own name. Continue reading