About Rahmah Muslim Homeschool

My name is Rahmah, I'm originally from Indonesia, currently living in the UK. My educational background is in Electrical Engineering. If you like my blog, please press Ctrl+D to bookmark my page and check What’s new at Rahmah Muslim Homeschool.

Definition of Fasting


My ramadan recordWhat does Sawm (fasting) mean?

The meaning of fasting in Arabic is ‘’sawm’’ and ‘’siyam’’. The word “sawm” means “to keep away from something, to restrain oneself, to prevent oneself in Arabic.
As a Fıqh term, it means “to keep away from eating, drinking and conjugal relations (jima) between husband and wife from dawn until the sunset (maghrib) consciously and by seeking a goal.   Continue reading

My Ramadan Record Book

My ramadan recordAssalamu’alaikum,

To help you keep track of your child’s deeds and activities in the month of Ramadan, please feel free to download My Ramadan Record Book (19 pages). This book contains general knowledge about Ramadan and record sheets. Below is a listing of what you’ll find in this book:

1. Definition of fasting
2. Classification of fasting
3. The purpose of fasting  Continue reading

FREE Worksheets: Part 5 of the 99 Names of Allah (9 pages)

Al Ali-page-0Assalamu’alaikum,

Learn and practice to write the 99 Names of Allah (Asma’ul Husna) in Arabic as well as the meanings in English. Please click here and here to download part 4.

37. Al ‘Ali (العلى) → The Highest
38. Al Kabiir (الكبير) → The Greatest
39. Al Hafiiz (الحفيظ) → The Preserver
40. Al Muqiit (المقيت) → The Nourisher
41. Al Hasiib (الحسيب) → The Accounter
42. Al Jaliil (الجليل) → The Mighty
43. Al Kariim (الكريم) → The Generous
44. Ar Raqiib (الرقيب) → The Watchful One
45. Al Mujiib (المجيب) → The Responder to Prayer

Please incourage your child to write her/his own name. Continue reading

Kids Coding: Basic HTML | Setting up an HTML Document

Learn CodingAssalamu’alaikum,

Previously my son learned coding via code.org but he got stuck on stage three because it was a bit complicated. And then I decided to teach him about basic HTML instead.

HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages. You can also learn basic html from http://www.w3schools.com/html/DEFAULT.asp or you can practice straightaway via www.jsbin.com. So far he has learnt how to create an html document, make a paragraph (text), modify the paragraph using different type of tags. Ok lets start coding. Continue reading

Maths: My Numbers Workbook (1-10)

My Numbers Workbook 1-10-p2Assalamu’alaikum,

:: UPDATE:: Page 12 & 13 have been corrected!.

Use this set of worksheets (22 pages) to teach your child to count 1-10 in order. Suitable for preschool ages 3,4,5. You’ll find lots of activities including:

1. Colouring, tracing and writing the numbers.
2. Matching the numbers.
3. Spelling the number words.
4. Filling in the missing numbers.

Please see pictures below for details. Continue reading